Clinique Anti-Aging

3431 Stanley Montreal Quebec H3A 1S2


Using Botox and various facial fillers, Dr. Stolovitz manages to make people look more youthful in the most natural way possible. With the Cutera laser, a leading grade medical dermatological laser, Dr. Stolovitz can improve the quality of the patient’s skin in terms of tone, tightness and texture by using a 3 dimensional approach to skin rejuvenation. “People look better” but their friends and family don’t know why. Dr. Stolovitz tries to regain the patient’s youth by understanding facial volume changes as well as trying to match the patient’s personality.Bio-identical hormone replacement therapyFillers - Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane, Esthelis, Fortelis, Modelis, Teosyal, RadiesseBotoxLaser treatments - IPL, Laser Genesis, Venus Freeze, Titan, PearlVein TherapyLaser treatments for onychomycosis on the feet and hands