Clinique Antiaging specializes in noninvasive cosmetic procedures which includes Botox treatments for cosmetic and medical purposes (such as hyperhidrosis or excessive perspiration ) injectable fillers and lasers . The clinic uses various proven cosmetic dermal fillers such as Restylane, Perlane, Esthelis and Radiesse injections, which gives fantastic results. Dr. Cynthia uses advanced techniques that were developed in Europe that have virtually no bruising when using injectables.
Dr. Stolovitz also uses stem cells for skin rejuvenation using components of your own blood also known as PRP or Selphyl.
Our cosmetic laser treatments can provide cosmetic enhancement without the downtime associated with the usual traditional ablative procedures. Whether you require sunspots and pigmented skin lesions correction, vein therapy, facial redness or scar tissue treatment - Montreal's Clinique Antiaging will service you. Using cutting edge technology such as the revolutionary Pearl /Pearl Fractional laser by Cutera, and other of Cutera's innovative technology like Laser Genesis, Titan and IPL, your facial rejuvenation process will achieve stunning results.