Drs. Madeleine and Suzanne Gagnon are not only sisters but also board certified dermatologists in practice together for over 25 years. As dermatologists, the only true medical skin specialists, they are uniquely qualified to provide you with complete state of the art skin care. They are both extremely sensitive to the importance of self image in developing the confidence necessary to achieve a successful personal and professional life. Pioneers in combining medical science with art, Drs. Madeleine and Suzanne Gagnon are and have always been at the forefront of cosmetic innovation beginning with collagen injections in 1982, LASER rejuvenation since 1986, AHA peels since 1994, Juvéderm and Restylane injections since 1998.They are members of dermatological societies such as: Canadian Dermatology Association(CDA), Association des Dermatologues du Quebec (ADQ), American Society for Dermatologic Surgery(ASDS), Canadian Laser Aesthetic Surgery Society(CLASS), American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Their personalized approach is only possible due to their capacity to listen attentively and with sensitivity to individual patient needs. Drs. Madeleine and Suzanne Gagnon strive to achieve a natural effect which will inspire comments such as: “you look rested”, “you look serene”, with each and every patient regardless of either male or female. Their mission is to allow you to age beautifully in a climate of respect and communication.