Dr. David Bridgeo background and experience in skin care and anti-aging medicine make him a leader in this area of cosmetic and laser treatment therapy.JanaJana brings 25 years of nursing experience to the practice. She has been involved in the areas of cosmetics and laser and pigment removal treatment since 2005, and has undertaken a number of courses in this area. Jana also provides Botox injections for people suffering with hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). She is also a certified fitter for Sigvaris compression stockings, having taken her certification through training courses provided by Sigvaris Corporation.MayOur Esthetician, May, offers esthetic services such as facials, waxing, skin care, as well as diabetic foot care. She has also had training in numerous types of cosmetic procedures, including laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, chemical peels and treatments for acne. May also assists Dr. Bridgeo in more surgical procedures such as the removal of moles and skin tags, and with Botox and Juvederm injections. She is also a certified Sigvaris fitter and working towards her nursing degree from St. Clair College.SeanOur office manager, Sean, will greet you and assist with bookings and any concerns you may have.