Ontario Pain Clinics
30 clinics.

Bayshore’s Community Care Clinics are a comfortable alternative to infusion therapy in hospitals.For patients who require infusion therapy or injec...
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Bayshore’s Community Care Clinics are a comfortable alternative to infusion therapy in hospitals.For patients who require infusion therapy or injec...

As Southern Ontario’s first dedicated Bowen clinic, Let it Heal has years of experience helping our clients recover from even the most severe pain....

MetroMed Healthcare Centre is a multi-disciplinary practice dedicated to improving your physical and psychological well-being.Over the years, Metro...
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Bayshore’s Community Care Clinics are a comfortable alternative to infusion therapy in hospitals.For patients who require infusion therapy or injec...
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Bayshore’s Community Care Clinics are a comfortable alternative to infusion therapy in hospitals.For patients who require infusion therapy or injec...

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London, Ontario

Bayshore’s Community Care Clinics are a comfortable alternative to infusion therapy in hospitals.For patients who require infusion therapy or injec...

Physiotherapy is the art and science of restoring function and maximizing performance. Our style of physiotherapy uses manual therapy, exercise, ed...

Dr. Nance MacLeod-Lutchin believes prevention is better than cure and Natural Medicine can play a key role in ensuring the body is ready to fight o...
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The practice of massage therapy is the assessment of the soft tissues and joints of the body and the treatment and prevention of physical dysfuncti...
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Bayshore’s Community Care Clinics are a comfortable alternative to infusion therapy in hospitals.For patients who require infusion therapy or injec...
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Bayshore’s Community Care Clinics are a comfortable alternative to infusion therapy in hospitals.For patients who require infusion therapy or injec...

5651 Steeles Avenue East
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765 Broadview AvenueOttawa, Ontario(613) 728-2929 EXT. 151
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Strengthening bones to minimize the risk of osteoporosisMeeting the supportive care requirements of expectant mothersEnhancing the essential car...
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Many ask about the technique that I currently use in the clinic. The technique which is actually a protocol is known as Torque Release Technique. I...
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460 Springbank Drive, Suite 201London, Ontario Toll Free: 1 (866) 601-1403

The Rebalance multidisciplinary team consists of experienced sports medicine physicians, physiotherapists, registered massage therapists, chirop...

At Avenue Acupuncture, we practice a proactive approach to our health care, as opposed to reactive sick care. We know your health is important to y...